| organization Perspective
Ghazvin Organization for Urban Renovation & Improvement: Ghazvin Organization for Urban Renovation & Improvement is an affiliate to Ghazvin Province Municipality. It was founded in 2000 to revive the ancient parts of the city to supply these parts with modern facilities and motivate people to reside in these parts. The following principles are those observing which has led to the organization’s success during the past decade: - Showing commitment to the goal of glorifying the name of this country - Respecting humans in general and esteeming its personnel - Considering development prior to making profit - Establishing a suitable atmosphere for teamwork and human resources improvement - Continuous improvement of processes and avoiding managerial inertness - Paying attention to development - Observing customer respect principles and considering customers’ demands prior to any other issue. - Establishing useful mutual relationship with other provincial organizations Personnel’s participation in development plans and their commitment to organization and the deep dependency exists among various constituents of this organization have all led to this organization’s success. Now, Ghazvin Organization for Urban Renovation & Improvement is one of the prominent organizations active in the arena repairing and reviving historical monuments. Head office & public relations: Sadossaltaneh Inn, Bargh alley, Peighambarieh St., Azadi Sq., Ghazvin, Ghazvin Public relations (Tel): 0098-281-2246656 to 9 Fax: 0098-281-2246655 Email: info@QCRO.IR Provincial & National Organizations with which the Organization has interaction - Ghazvin office of governor general - Islamic Council of Ghazvin City - Ghazvin Municipality - Organizations affiliated to municipality - Ghazvin Registry of Deeds & Properties - Ghazvin Office of Charities & Endowment - Ghazvin Organization for Urban Planning & Housing - Ghazvin Organization for Tourism, Handicraft and Cultural Heritage Range of activities: 1- Investing in banks and in other investment institutes to make profit for the company, observing all pertinent regulations 2- Identification of those parts of Ghazvin city which are of historical value and presenting proper plans in this regard to pertinent authorities. 3- Identification of single units of historical value and suggesting a proper application for them and presenting the suggestion to the authorities for their approval 4- Presenting executive plan based on detailed plans, regarding: - identification of historical passages and making a proper decision for each and presenting these decisions to the pertinent authorities - identification of important residential, commercial, service, religious and cultural elements of the old parts of the city and deciding about buildings exist in this parts(repairing or destructing them) and executing the project asking first for the approval of the authorities - identification of destructible urban elements and locating them on map and suggesting a proper application for them(considering environmental studies), observing the pertinent regulations - suggesting architectural and urban planning principles for construction(volume, form, height, method of establishment, construction method, façade) and making suggestions as to construction of urban places and passages. - Execution of plans approved by the municipality and other authorities enjoying participation of the public and also using participation of the private sector, upon approval of the organization’s council - Dealing with commercial and production affaris( transaction of raw materials) within the scope of organizational goals and observing pertinent regulations Perspective: Ghazvin Organization for Urban Renovation & Reconstruction is an affiliate to Ghazvin municipality. This organization tends to reveal the historical value of Ghazvin city which has been registered as one of the historical cities worldwide. Hence, through participative management, the organization has always endeavored to satisfy the beneficiaries. Hence the organization’s perspective is not different from that of Ghazvin’s municipality. Ghazvin municipality is a public institution. It is knowledge oriented and tends to change this cultural historical city into a safe, luxuriant economically stable city that attracts tourists.